Hello, my name is Nikki. I am a 19 year old Paint mare, but everyone calls me “the baby”. Probably because I still live with my parents, Flicka and Gambino. And ok, sometimes I still hide behind daddy when I get scared. And I have had some scary moments lately. We left our home and went to a bad place with no food. I got real skinny. Then those people went away and a nice lady gave us a ride to a better place with lots of food and water. But they gave me a shot, and put paste in my mouth, and they trimmed my hooves. That was a little scary at first, but not really so bad. Mom and Dad have had some training and spent time with people, but no one ever spent a lot of time with me. I could probably do great things if someone would just teach me how. I will try to do my best to learn everything I can if I can find the right person to teach me. So, I hope you will consider me for adoption. I would love to be your friend and partner on some new adventures.
Thank you so much,